The rush of gaming can be an incredible feeling. No matter how much experience a player may have, the overpowering thrill of a come-from-behind victory or the crushing blow of a big loss never go away.
For serious players, however, this can be a real problem.
An advantage player knows what he or she is supposed to do in any gaming situation. Whether it’s knowing which pairs to split in Blackjack or understanding pre-flop betting in poker, there are no mysteries in terms of what should be done.
The challenge is this: sticking to the plan, no matter what!
And what’s more, when luck turns against you (as it sometimes will – that’s the nature of gambling), the bigger challenge appears: how to remain calm and stick to your winning strategy. Many excellent players have seen their bankrolls dwindle when one bad turn leads to worse choices.
So what is a player meant to do? How does a gambler keep their cool in the face of a massive emotional rush?
Believe it or not, there are concrete steps that can be taken to improve this element of your play. We’ve divided them into two sections: winning habits and routines that advantage players can adopt in their everyday lives, and techniques to be used in the moment, when that emotional rush hits.